
By making a donation to Progress Ireland, you agree to the following terms: 

Use of Donations: Your donation will be used responsibly and effectively to support the mission and initiatives of Progress Ireland. We are committed to ensuring that every euro donated is directed towards achieving the greatest possible impact. 

Financial Integrity and Transparency: Progress Ireland will maintain the highest standards of financial propriety. Our financial accounts are audited annually and are monitored by our independent board. 

Independence of Views: Donations to Progress Ireland do not influence our strategic, tactical, or operational decisions. The views and opinions of Progress Ireland may not always reflect those of our donors. 

Privacy and GDPR Compliance: We respect your privacy and are committed to handling your personal information in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your data will be processed securely and used only for purposes related to your donation and our communication with you. 

Not a political organisation: Progress Ireland is not a political organisation and therefore does not accept donations for political purposes. 

Public Acknowledgment: Progress Ireland reserves the right to list the names of all donors publicly on its website unless you request to remain anonymous. 

Not a Charity: Progress Ireland is not a registered charity. We do not raise money as a charity, and donations are not eligible for tax relief under charitable donation schemes. 

Anti-money laundering compliance: All donations are subject to AML regulations, in particular all significant or suspicious donations will be treated to a rigorous due diligence process.

Right of Refusal: Progress Ireland reserves the right to refuse any donation that does not align with our values or mission.